var Resources = {
	AgreeAndContinue: 'Agree & Continue',
	AgreeAndFinish: 'Agree & Finish',
	CheckOutDate: 'Check out date',
	Continue: 'Continue',
	ExtendRoomError: 'An error occurred while extending the room.',
	Finish: 'Finish',
	More: 'More',
	NewValue: 'This is a new value!',
	PleaseDrawYourSignature: 'Please draw your signature.',
	PleaseEnterAVehicleLength: 'Please enter a vehicle length',
	PleaseEnterYourVehicleLicensePlate: 'Please enter your vehicle license plate.',
	PleaseMakeSureFieldsAreAccurate: 'Please fill in the required fields and make sure they are accurate',
	PleaseSelectAColor: 'Please select a color.',
	PleaseSelectAVehicleType: 'Please select a vehicle type!',
	PleaseSelectTheStateOfYourLicensePlate: 'Please select the state of your license plate',
	ProcessingTheRequestFailedPleaseTryAgainLater: 'Processing the request failed. Please try again later.',
	SelectAtLeastOneCoverage: 'If Travel Protection is selected, at least one coverage must be selected as well',
	Test: 'This is a test resource!'